Oh yes, prestart prep is everything! Here are the four things every mark maker *must* do before booking in for their personalised prestart experience.
- Have an e-interior design consult with Soph
Take advantage of your exclusive online consultation with Soph from Sourced Studio Styling. All her spaces are thoughtfully considered, designed specifically for you, and tell your story – not the designers. It’s a philosophy that has placed her in high demand, so when she’s not imparting her wisdom on our mark-makers, you’ll find Sophie product styling, set designing, and even creating visual content for brands.
Across a 45min e-consult, you’ll uncover your home’s new look, explore your building portal, and make external selections. To book, simply click the link your customer experience specialist sends you. All the sessions are outside of business hours, including at night and on the weekends, so you’re bound to find a time that suits you.
- Mark up your Electrical Drawings
Whip out those floorplans of yours and spend a hot minute (hey, maybe even an hour) marking where you want power points, TVs, pendant lights, LEDs, and additional switches to go.
Electricals are one of the things you want to get right. When in doubt, think about how you’re going to use each space and go from there.
- Make your pre-selections at Carpet Call
Head to Carpet Call in Dry Creek to review and pre-select your main flooring (carpets & laminate). The experienced team on the ground will be able to help answer all questions and will also assist in filling out the important Selections Sheet.
- Make your pre-selections at National Tiles
Head to National Tiles in Mile End South to review and pre-select your tile selections for your wet areas and splashbacks. Like at Carpet Call, the crew on the ground will make you feel at home and are on hand to help fill out your Selections Sheet.
- Make your pre-selections at Ceramica Living
If you’ve opted for tiles as your main flooring, you’ll need to head to Ceramica Living in Pooraka to review and pre-select your tiles. There’s so much to ooh and aah over here.
- Make your pre-selections at Polytec
Now if you’re up for it, you can also head to Polytec in Cavan to pre-select your cabinetry colours and benchtop (if you’ve opted for laminate). Our standard inclusions are Matt, Sheen, Woodmatt & Finegrain. So, there’s plenty to choose from!
Once you’ve completed your pre-selections, your customer experience specialist will be in touch to book in Prestart itself.