When you’re in the market for a home loan, it pays to shop around! It could mean the difference between affording the extra-roomy home design or the upgrades you really, really want.
There are more than 40 major and minor lenders to consider – way too many to analyse yourself. That’s why we recommend teaming up with a mortgage broker who can evaluate them all for you and negotiate the best possible rates.
And Oui Finance are our top pick. Not only are they independent from us (and every builder for that matter) and free to use, but as construction loan specialists, they work with this type of loan day in, day out. Construction loans are an incredibly specialised area, accounting for just 8% of loans in Australia. So, it’s well worth seeking out an expert in this space that really knows their stuff to avoid any hiccups and delays down the line. You’ll thank us for the tip later.