Meet Yvonne McCarthy

The one who’s numbers always hit the target
The one who’s numbers always hit the target


The human

Old enough to know not to ask
Star sign


Where I live
Where I grew up
Geelong. Go the cats!
What I do
A lot of laundry…
What I like
Concerts, festivals, live music and supporting independent Aussie artists

Skills Reel

The professional

Yvonne is no stranger to the housing industry, though she previously sat on the other side of it: real estate. But having built several homes herself, we knew she was sitting on the wrong side! An accounts shark who loves numbers and the accuracy and methodology that comes with them, we think Yvonne’s far more at home handling building portfolios than rental portfolios. She fancies herself a bit of a darts shark too, so note to team Vida… keep an eye out at the Christmas party! ????

My husband and I have built seven homes of our own. Six with builders, and one as owner-builders ourselves. After 46 working years I think I’ve finally found myself in the right place at La Vida!

I`m already building
with La Vida

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Where do you want to build?

Where do you want to build?

Making your mark in your dream home waits for no one. So while we’re off 20th Dec – 6th Jan you can still get in touch.