Meet Mathew Bouse

The one who gets $h*t done

Building Manager

The one who gets $h*t done
Building Manager


The human

Star sign


Where I live
Banksia Grove
Where I grew up
White Gum Valley
What I do
Supplier negotiations, client meetings, assisting the office – anything and everything!
What I like
My family (4 kids, wife & dog). Building houses comes a close second. Action movies, and weekend sports

Skills Reel

Cost management, project estimation, construction, and pre-construction.

The professional

Registered Building Practitioner 103727

Mat landed a job in the construction industry as soon as he could walk. Well, not quite but almost. As a registered building practitioner, building manager, and administration manager; Mat’s career is one that has sustained his passion for the industry for over 15 years.

Mat holds a Diploma of Building and Construction from the Central Institute of Technology. Registered BP 103727.

I have four awesome kids and an amazing wife, so when I’m not chauffeuring everyone to swimming lessons, umpiring footy games, or hosting princess tea parties - you’ll find me and the crew together at the beach, making the most of cheeky family getaways and adventures.

I`m already building
with La Vida

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Making your mark in your dream home waits for no one. So while we’re off 20th Dec – 6th Jan you can still get in touch.