Meet Liz Glenn

The one who’s got the vibe check
The one who’s got the vibe check


The human

Star sign


She/ Her
Where I live
beach-side of Fulham
Where I grew up
Adelaide, born and bred
What I do
Ensure we’re seen, heard and known in SA
What I like
to be too hot, not too cold. Outdoors rather than indoors. Football over soccer. Summer olympics over winter. 90s and naughties rather todays music.

Skills Reel

The professional

She is fresh but ready to make an impact! Liz is new to the building industry, but she has worked in Marketing for over 10 years and has worked in festivals and events for 15 years. She studied at the University of South Australia and graduated with a degree in Communications and Media Management, majoring in Public Relations. Working in a similar ‘big life changing’ decision industry of Higher Ed, the building industry comes with a lot of daunting decisions and steps along the way, and she is really excited about the opportunity to continue destigmatise the building industry!

Prior to building I worked in higher education and the arts sector although I am ready for a new challenge, and all the new skills and knowledge that come along with it. You could say I have a passion for making a vision come to life. The liveliness and and spirit this company has for what they do and each other is infectious and I want to be apart of that magic too!

I`m already building
with La Vida

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Making your mark in your dream home waits for no one. So while we’re off 20th Dec – 6th Jan you can still get in touch.