Meet Jaiden Lacsher

The one who actually likes new tech
The one who actually likes new tech


The human

Star sign


Where I live
Where I grew up
What I do
Monitor and maintain computer systems and networks … all the stuff everyone else hates
What I like
Napping and jet setting ✈️

Skills Reel

The professional

As well as being our main IT man here at La Vida Jaiden is actually studying a Bachelor of Data Science and Computer Science at UWA. He joined the Vidas in 2023 and has been telling everyone to turn their computers on and off ever since! Along with his sister and mum (see if you can spot them on the website 😉) he actually only landed in Perth in 2021! Prior to this he was living all around the world – a conversation you will need to sit down and have with him another time.

Solving a Rubik's cube, like solving IT challenges, requires patience and focus. Luckily that comes easy to me and I can do both in my sleep 🥱

I`m already building
with La Vida

How can I get access 
to log in ?

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Where do you want to build?

Where do you want to build?

Making your mark in your dream home waits for no one. So while we’re off 20th Dec – 6th Jan you can still get in touch.